QR code signs

A local kava bar I frequent, had a need for some custom QR code signs. The goal of the owner was to place these around the city and people would be redirected to their Instagram upon scanning the QR. Very easy advertisement strategy for him. Making them out of a material that would last longer than a few rainstorms was the part he needed help with.

Happy man with his signs

I engraved it with a laser cutter and painted it to achieve an amazing QR code result. Took only 2 hours to produce the entire batch. He provided the Big foot design for the laser cutter to cut out. Once I had the graphics for the cut, I had to produce a QR code and aim it at the business’s Instagram.

Once the batch of 12 was complete, it was delivered to him. As you saw at the top of this post, he was filled with excitement to see his idea come to life.

This is a great example of my goal of running this company. My goal is to take your ideas and bring them to life. Go check out his Instagram here to see the business this owner is proud of and running well.


Unleashing Creativity with Rapid Prototyping: PCBs and LEDs Collaboration